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Emanuele Scoccia

Born in Rome, a young newcomer  begins with the T&C cook book . Enthusiast, easy  and innovator as only the young people are able to, renews the recipes with  easy and appetizing  touches.


Mortadella And Ricotta Croquette On Cheese And White Truffle Cream

I love Emilia. A region that smells like balsamic vinegar, Parmisan cheese, mortadella and authenticity. I love Emilian people too. Their hospitality and their inborn frankness. Emilians choose the efficency, the practicality, they are pragmatic souls, but they use their…


Carpaccio with truffle
Switch off your electric stove and switch on your taste buds! Hot weather make us cook fresh, easy and light recipes. Carpaccio is one of these recipes. With its flavour and the right combination could be a fast appetizer and…
Fried fish and truffles
Chef Michele Pentucci presents the T&C fried fish and truffle
Mountain croissant
In summer i dream of the mountain and in winter i look for the sea. During a so strange year like this one , i dream with open eyes and i hope that all of us we could come back…
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