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Truffle Inclusive: the Numero Zero restaurant project

The Numero Zero Restaurant project is one of the activities within the Città del Sole foundation. Can you briefly tell us how the Foundation was born and what its mission is? Città del Sole was founded in June 1998 to…

Truffle Inclusive: Utopia

Utopia is a dream that has become reality in Miralfiore Park, an important inclusion project promoted by the non-profit organization Gulliver and the Municipality of Pesaro. The owners, Elisabetta and Andrea, tell us about the birth of this social bar-restaurant…

Truffle Inclusive: La Frasca restaurant

“La Frasca”, a satellite venue of the PomoDoro association whose main objective is to promote the social and working inclusion of people with disabilities, is the ideal place to be pampered by seasonal, zero-kilometre cuisine. Alberto, the restaurant’s reference chef,…

Truffle Inclusive: the promise of Numero Zero, the first inclusive restaurant in Umbria

Numero Zero, located in the historic center of Perugia, is the first inclusive restaurant in Umbria that we have with great joy included in the Truffle Inclusive Project signed by T&C. Our restaurant workforce is made up of 60% psychiatric…

Nonetheless, the social bar in Alassio, Albenga and Finalborgo enters the Truffle inclusive project

We interviewed Guido and Martina who are in charge of the project and the management of the Coop Sociale Jobel. QUESTION: Can you tell us how this volunteer activity of yours was born and how it develops, which involves the…

Gusto P and T&C meet in the Truffle Inclusive project

The Gusto P entered the Truffle Inclusive project, making us discover the heart and love that reside in what was one of the first experiences of activities aimed at the employment of people with intellectual disabilities in the catering sector.…

Truffle Inclusive: wonder and poetry as the heart of the Ozanam Fonderie mission

In our Truffle Inclusive project, the boys and girls from Fonderie Ozanam also came on board, a welcoming and human reality, where you can breathe an unparalleled energy. At the Fonderie, people with disabilities, young people in situations of social…

Sala&Cucina – gift box 2024

Like every month you will see us with a page dedicated to the T&C truffle company in the Sala&Cucina magazine with our 2024 news. In this case we offer gift packages to make it “easy” to prepare a truffle lunch…

Truffle-Inclusive, Cooperativa Sociale Francesca becomes part of the new project signed by T&C

We interviewed Antonio Bernardini, president of the Francesca Social Cooperative and the Giadaunpo’ Restaurant in Urbino, who told us about the heart of the project, its mission and the values around which it was built. Antonio, you are a volleyball…

Truffle In-Clusive – Interview with Asia D’Arcangelo

We chose Asia as brand ambassador for the strength and tenacity she demonstrated since she was a child, when she had to fight with all her heart against the genetic disease with which she still lives; cystic fibrosis. She is…

Truffle In-Clusive – Spatolata Gelateria: a story of inclusiveness, tenacity and creativity in the heart of Emilia Romagna

La Spatolata Gelateria is the first company to enter the Truffle In-Clusive project, born from an idea of the owners Filippo and Nicole, passionate about cooking and with the desire to create and offer something made with their hands but,…

Truffle In-Clusive: a special journey, between taste, uniqueness and inclusion

Goal of the project: Every year, T&C is committed to creating a project dedicated to truffles, with a specific theme aimed at democratizing knowledge about truffles and making its products more accessible to an increasingly wider audience. The new project…

GENZERO – The anti-waste project signed by T&C

Food waste is an urgent and important issue, closely linked to the sustainability challenge to which the whole world is called to respond. We have decided to do our part, taking help from the creativity, sensitivity and commitment of the…

T&C descends on the Red Carpet with La Tino’s Eventi on the occasion of the 80th Venice Film Festival

On the occasion of the 80th Venice Film Festival we had the pleasure of seeing our products used in the prestigious menu of the chef Tino Vettorello, in the splendid Terrazza Biennale. Being among the Partners of the event together with…

T&C in collaboration with UNICAM at a conference for the valorization of truffles

Brief summary of the day of November 1st in collaboration with UNICAM – University of Camerino where we had the pleasure of attending the seminar “Characterization by spectrometry of the Acqualagna White Truffle for territorial valorisation”. We thank, as always,…

Why did we choose to collaborate with Liquigas?

Why did we choose to collaborate with Liquigas? Our Partner and Head of Communications and Food Safety Lidia Marchetti explains it to us in this post.

Interview with Roberto Franca – Headmaster of the Santa Marta Institute of Pesaro

  Interview with Roberto Franca – Headmaster of the Santa Marta Institute of Pesaro  

Interview with Lorenza Marchetti of the T&C Tartufi company in Acqualagna

On the occasion of the cooking contest at the Santa Marta Institute in Pesaro, we interviewed Lorenza Marchetti, Head of the fresh truffle department, research and development, trade fairs and commercial events of the T&C Tartufi Company, who told us…

The Acqualagna White Truffle is the subject of a Commendation Thesis at the University of Camerino

Infinite congratulations to Riccardo who brilliantly completed his studies at the Faculty of Gastronomic Sciences of the #UNICAM discussing a thesis on the Characterization of the White Truffle of Acqualagna for territorial enhancement. We are truly proud to have been…

Interview with Luigi Franchi – Cooking Contest Santa Marta Institute of Pesaro

During a cooking contest at the Santa Marta hotel in Pesaro, we interviewed Luigi Franchi, director and manager of the Sale&Cucina magazine who told us about his idea of catering and the importance of training when it comes to the…

We could not have opened the year 2023 in a better way!

We are very proud to inform you that T&C Tartufi has been selected among the 2022 Winning Companies, the initiative promoted by Intesa Sanpaolo, in collaboration with Bain & Company, Elite, Microsoft, Cerved, Gambero Rosso, Nativa, Circularity and Coldiretti, for…

The Chamber of Commerce delegation and President of the Marche Region at our stand in Alimentaria Barcelona.

T&C s.r.l. present on the Costa Dorada at the Alimentaria event in Barcelona, a reference point for all professionals in the food and food service industry, to raise the flag of Made in Italy in Europe and in the world!…

Luigi Franchi interview

Journalist gastronome, in love with Italy and its territory, judge in contest about evo oil or young chef or pizza. Constantly on batterfield to protect positively and with determination and optimism values as quality and professionalism. We‘ve got an interview…

The new T&C 2022 calendar!

The desire to restart led us to create a calendar for 2022: not just a beautiful object but a mine of recipes and interesting interviews, the result of our passion and curiosity that has always accompanied our work. Attached you…

Truffle News

We report from the Corriere Adriatico of 7 October 2021 an interesting article on the Marche truffle.

T&C editorial on Sala & Cucina, Hospitality and Restaurant Magazine

We report from page. 66 the publication of a beautiful and comprehensive article on T&C by Sala & Cucina magazine in the August / September 2021 issue.

T&C Truffles for Sala&Cucina news magazine: January and February issue for the first time will have the new interactive version

The Sala&Cucina news magazine, dedicated to restaurant, in 2021, besides more 30.000 monthly paper copies activated the new digital and interactive version that will be published monthly on website Follow the link at the January and February edition, and…

Articolo del Corriere Adriatico: “La mia ricetta”. T&C tartufi presenta la sua versione dell’Hamburger Vegano

Ricerca del tartufo Truffle experience T&C

Articolo del Corriere Adriatico del 6 giugno 2020

Espositore T&C tartufi

Novità Barattoli red e grey gift con cartolina ricetta T&C tartufi

Preparazione alla Masterclass con tartufo nero pregiato in occasione dell’evento Extraordinary Food&Wine

Lorenza Marchetti in compagnia dello chef Igles Corelli

Conferenza sulla T&C tartufi e presentazione dell’azienda e dei suoi prodotti

Presentazione del Food Cost in occasione della Fiera a Rimini

Degustazione prodotti T&C

Tartufi a Venezia

Claudio Sadler ed il calice al tartufo Bianco Pregiato

Prodotti in Fiera

Truffle truck T&C

Omaggiodi T&C tartufi a Brunello Cucinelli stilista e imprenditore italiano

Cooking show in occasione del Tartufo Bianco Pregiato di Acqualagna

Evento a Fico Le città del Tartufo a EatItaly a Bologna e Presentazione del Libro Eros e Tartufi

Locandina dell’evento 54° Fiera del Tartufo Bianco Pregiato di Acqualagna

Fiera del Tartufo Bianco Pregiato di Acqualagna

Corriere Adriatico Il Tartufo Bianco Pregiato di Acqualagna

54° Fiera del Tartufo Bianco Pregiato partecipa tra i Main Sponsor T&C tartufi

Location a Roma in occasione della Presentazione della Fiera del Tartufo Bianco Pregiato ad Acqualagna

Fiera Anuga 2019

Presentazione del Libro Eros e Tartufo a Bologna

Le Città del Tartufo a Fico Bologna

Presentazione della Fiera del Tartufo Bianco pregiato di Acqualagna a Roma

Meeting di degustazione prodotti T&C

Gli chef Max Mariola ed Emanuele Scoccia in Fiera a Roma

Press day in azienda T&C tartufi

Taste in tables!

T&C – Tartufi Tentazioni al Taste Firenze 2019. Grazie a Raffaele Mariotti / photographer & video designer per lo scatto!

T&C sarà presente alla fiera SIAL a Toronto in Canada dal 30 aprile al 2 maggio 2019

Fiera a Rimini presentazione del Brand Terre Nobili

Evento Extraordinary Fooid Wine a Venezia 2020

Masterclass Risotto allo zafferano e tartufo nero pregiato T&C

Conferenza Grand Canal Monaco

Andrea Pensalfine e lo chef Igles Corelli

The 53rd Acqualagna Fair begins

At the start of the 53rd Fair of Acqualagna, we at T & C – Tartufi Tentazioni will be present with our stand for the next events 1/2/3/4 and 10/11 November, we are waiting for you! Read the article on REST…

National Fair of the White Truffle of Acqualagna

National Fair of the White Truffle of Acqualagna

1-2-3-4-10-11 November 2018

SIAL Paris from 21 to 25 october 2018

SIAL Paris from 21 to 25 october 2018

Calendario raccolta tartufi: quali puoi gustare a dicembre?

Conosci il calendario tartufi di dicembre? Ecco tutti quelli che puoi trovare 

Fiera Anuga: ci saremo anche noi!

Non sai cos’è la fiera di Anuga? È uno degli eventi di maggiore rilevanza che mette in mostra le novità e le tendenze dell’universo Food&Beverage! E ci saremo anche noi.

Fiera del Tartufo di Acqualagna: saremo sponsor ufficiali!

Sta per iniziare la Fiera del Tartufo di Acqualagna! Scopri di più nel nostro articolo.

Tartufo nelle Marche: quali si trovano?

Il tartufo nelle Marche è considerato una delle specialità gastronomiche di punta. Scopri quali tipologie si trovano!

Tartufo e Funghi, qual è la differenza?

Quali sono le differenze tra i funghi classici e i tartufi? Scoprilo!

3 proprietà del tartufo che (forse) non conoscevi

Tutti conoscono l’aroma e il gusto del tartufo, ma pochi conoscono le sue proprietà intrinseche! Proprietà che vanno apprese se si vuole utilizzare questo meraviglioso frutto della terra nel migliore dei modi e non rovinarlo!

L’incredibile storia del tartufo (pt.2)

Ecco finalmente la seconda parte dell’incredibile storia del tartufo! Finita questa, saprai proprio tutto su questo fantastico fungo ipogeo.

Andare a tartufi: la tipica giornata di un cavatore.

Andare a tartufi è una vera e propria esperienza, un hobby che crea un legame profondo con la terra e i suoi frutti. Scopri allora la tipica giornata di un cavatore!

Come conservare il tartufo in frigo

Il tartufo è uno degli ingredienti più pregiati della cucina italiana: per questo bisogna sapere come conservarlo al meglio nel caso in cui se ne abbiano “grandi” quantità. Scopri come conservare il tartufo in frigo!

Come cucinare il tartufo e valorizzarlo al meglio

Il tartufo è uno degli ingredienti più apprezzati e più costosi della nostra tradizione culinaria. Quindi: come cucinare il tartufo senza rovinarlo? Scoprilo!

Vino da abbinare al tartufo: due scuole di pensiero

Il tartufo è uno degli ingredienti più pregiati e apprezzati nella tradizione culinaria italiana e per questo è necessario valorizzarlo al meglio. Quindi come scegliere la tipologia di vino che più si adatta al famoso fungo ipogeo?

Taste 2017: ci saremo anche noi a Firenze

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