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Every jar tells an amazing , full of joy and rich in flavor story .All our products of quality and taste, leave the memory for a conviviality moment around a table , for remembering a special event, thanks to the unique and special taste of truffle based T&C products.

Pizza with truffle
Time is short but the wish for welcoming the guests at the best is too much! It is possible to prepare in a short time a perfect pizza, as well as a particular dish. Last Sunday evening some good friends…
Mountain croissant
In summer i dream of the mountain and in winter i look for the sea. During a so strange year like this one , i dream with open eyes and i hope that all of us we could come back…
Cannelloni with ricotta and Tartufata
“Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know which one are you going to pick up”. So said Forrest Gump in the eponymous movie, so famous and deeply complicated one. Chocolates are a life gastronomic metaphor. All of…
White truffle carbonara spaghetti
Yesterday I’ve cooked an apple pie for the first time. I’ve read an old recipes book and I’ve carefully followed  any  steps and  instruction, trying not to make mistakes. Only after having put it in hoven I realized that I…


Truffle Inclusive: Utopia

Utopia is a dream that has become reality in Miralfiore Park, an important inclusion project promoted by the non-profit organization Gulliver and the Municipality of Pesaro. The owners, Elisabetta and Andrea, tell us about the birth of this social bar-restaurant…

Truffle Inclusive: La Frasca restaurant

“La Frasca”, a satellite venue of the PomoDoro association whose main objective is to promote the social and working inclusion of people with disabilities, is the ideal place to be pampered by seasonal, zero-kilometre cuisine. Alberto, the restaurant’s reference chef,…

Truffle Inclusive: the promise of Numero Zero, the first inclusive restaurant in Umbria

Numero Zero, located in the historic center of Perugia, is the first inclusive restaurant in Umbria that we have with great joy included in the Truffle Inclusive Project signed by T&C. Our restaurant workforce is made up of 60% psychiatric…

Nonetheless, the social bar in Alassio, Albenga and Finalborgo enters the Truffle inclusive project

We interviewed Guido and Martina who are in charge of the project and the management of the Coop Sociale Jobel. QUESTION: Can you tell us how this volunteer activity of yours was born and how it develops, which involves the…


Our truffle: from local to glocal, organic and green.
Among oaks, holms and hazelnuts woods , on the slopes of the Nerone mountain, our truffles are born.

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