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Mini Brioche With Pumpkin And Truffle Sauce

Mini brioche with pumpkin and truffle sauce

Make a cut on the lenght sense on the whole wheat/brioche (pay attention not to open it completely). Put the pumkin cream inside the cut. To make the pumpkin cream: cook the pumpkin in little cubes in microwave at 180° C, mix it and sift it, put T&C Summer truffle salt as required, pepper, rosemary and sage. Add T&C Tartufata on the top and decorate the dish with pistachios.


1 whole wheat brioche of 20 g
30 g of oven cooked pumpkin
2 g of T&C Tartufata
2 g of chopped pistachios
T&C Summer truffle salt as required


Emanuele Scoccia

Born in Rome, a young newcomer  begins with the T&C...


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